Cofounded waze the worlds largest driving traffic and navigation application in the application is currently . Used by more than million drivers worldwide and was acquired by google for billion in . June another of his achievements is moovit where he is the first board member and . Investor moovit is used by more than million people use it and it was acquired . By intel for billion in his inspiration for founding waze also came from personal problems . On the jewish new year in he and his large family went on vacation to .
A Small Israeli Town Kilometers Away From
A small israeli town kilometers away from home after the vacation a large group of . Them drove cars to prepare for the return trip they all vietnam email list had a question in . Their minds what is the best route home he and his wife drove with four . Children at the end and during the process they kept asking the family in front . Of them over the phone is the road you are taking congested at that time . He thought that if there was a product that could tell him the road conditions .
Ahead in Real Time He Would Not
Ahead in real time he would not be frustrated on the way home later he . Became an entrepreneurial mentor and investor and wrote fall in love with problems not solutions . Also known as doing the hard and right thing in which he shared his effective digital marketing entrepreneurial . Experience and the experience and methods of each stage of entrepreneurship the book mentions that . The creation of at least companies was based on the problems encountered by the founders . Emphasizing that the toothbrush model proposed by google founder larry page a daily common problem .
Is a Model of Good Problems and
Is a model of good problems and entrepreneurial opportunities recommendation I strongly recommend you to . Read fall in love ca cell numbers with problems not solutions also known as doing the hard and . Right thing problems are the starting point not the end point if you are sure . That you have encountered a problem you still need to consider two questions market size . That is how many users have encountered the same problem how painful is the problem . To the user including the frequency of the problem the severity and the cost of .