Nowadays, businesses can be threatened by many dangers . From hacker attacks to natural disasters, to a simple interruption of the internet connection. Whatever the type of threat, it is very difficult to predict . For this reason, a company should create a business continuity plan that also includes a crisis communication plan .
Creating a business continuity plan means building a system for preventing and resuming your activities. Following a crisis that has impacted your take email marketing service company . The goal is to ensure that the company continues to function normally. Even in the event of major problems or crises .
How to Create a Business Continuity Plan in 6 Steps
As already mentioned, an emergency plan must be thought out in detail , so as to take into account all the needs of the company . In fact, a plan that may work for one reality, may not be suitable for another business. Furthermore, the plan must be flexible in order to respond to the different stages of a crisis that. If very deep and impactful, continues to evolve and present new challenges to companies.
Given the high level of customization required, the steps we will list are just some general aspects that companies should consider and adapt.
1) Identify the goal
Defining in detail what the objective of the plan customer service system is is essential . This becomes even more important for those companies that have offices located in different locations or countries. In fact, in these cases, it is necessary to decide whether the plan being created is suitable for all. Locations or whether it will need to be adapted based on the country of implementation. Identifying the objective will also serve to define the content and tone of the communications that will follow .
2) Identify key areas for the business
The key areas or departments for the company depending on the sector to which it belongs and the type of product or service it offers . Those who belong to the retail category, for example, will have to include physical stores in their plan as an essential part of carrying out their work. On the other hand, a software company will have as a key department the IT one and as a main area the technological infrastructure.
3) Appoint a responsible person
Identifying who will be responsible for activating and coordinating the business continuity plan in the event of a crisis or emergency is one of the job data essential steps. Ideally, you should appoint a coordinator at the company level and then a contact person for each department of your company.