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SEO backlinks I published this article

Attracts backlinks As your content rank and get traffic, there is a high chance of it getting backlinks without you having to work too hard for it. Of course, when you publish an article, you would have to do a little link building to make it rank. But once it does and your content gains consistent traffic, you would notice that your article is getting backlinks without you proactively doing anything. Check out the backlinks of my YouTube SEO article. YouTube about seven years ago, did a little link building, was able to get on the first page, and there you go. Years later, it’s still getting backlinks on its own.

This is because people find my blog

writing as a good resource and if they write an article about YouTube SEO as well, people usually link back to it. This can be applied in any niche. Since evergreen topics usually target high-volume keywords, ranking for them on the first page may let people see you as an authority which brings me to my next point… Evergreen content is good for E-A-T It goes without saying that as you get more backlinks, your website’s authority increases. But this isn’t just about PageRank, evergreen content is also great for E-A-T. Google quality raters measure the E-A-T of a website using various criteria but the content of a website is definitely one of the main things that they check.

If you publish evergreen content that is well-

written and well-researched, it is a great sign of expertise, authority, and trust. It gives you more credibility and it is also great for your brand. Sample evergreen content you may consider How-to guides and tutorials How to fix blue screen of death How to properly clean your car How to cook fried chicken Informative articles Best ways to lose weight Money-saving tips Resume writing tips In-depth guides Everything you need to know about blog writing In-depth guide on dog training Complete guide to link building Important tip: Update your evergreen content Although the content you published is evergreen, it doesn’t mean that new information is not going to be available in the future.

That is why it is also important to go back to

the evergreen content that you publish and update the information in them if applicable. It is also a good practice that when you update a piece of old content, your website should properly label it with the date it was last updated. Reminder: Take note of the difficulty One of the biggest hurdles in being successful with evergreen content is that topics and keywords tend to have high difficulty. If you are just starting out, the best advice that I could give you is to stick to your niche and try to find low-hanging fruits. Regardless of the volume of traffic that it brings, as long as it is consistent, it’s already a win.

Do publish dates affect rankings? Every day, millions

of people are looking for fresh content  bahamas phone number library on Google. For us SEOs, this means that when we publish content can be as important as what content we publish. We’ve already tackled what kind of content we should be focusing on; now, let’s focus on the when. Do dates on your blog posts affect rankings? To simply answer the question, yes, publishing dates may affect rankings. When a user performs a search, Google will try to provide the most relevant and recent search results. These are especially true for news, recent events, and other trending topics. Let’s say you Googled “best smartphone 2022.” It wouldn’t be right for Google to serve you a search result written in 2019 or 2018.

Let’s look at the search results. The top stories

for the keyword “best smartphone 2022” was published two days ago as of writing: best smartphone 2022 The next couple of results were published five days ago and more. Some of these articles were published last December, but because they still answer my question, Google saw them to be relevant enough to put in the first page of the SERPs. best smartphone 2022 SERPs To further explain how dates affect rankings, Google released an algorithm update way back in 2011 called “Google Freshness Update.” The update aimed to improve Google’s algorithm called Query Deserves Freshness or “QDF” which identifies if a user is looking for up-to-date articles or not.

Now that Google improved its system of identifying

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if a user is searching for the most recent will be considered null and void  content, articles that talked about recent news and events were highly impacted by the time and dates they were published. But what does this mean for months and year old content? At that time, the algorithm update affected about 35% of search results according to Google. This means old content is still useful and relevant. Remember that Google will only serve a user content that was recently published if it is applicable to their query. So let’s say you have a website that talks about cars. If you have articles about how to take care of cars that are well-written even though they were written several years ago, Google may still serve your content to users.

That is why evergreen content, as

mentioned earlier, is extremely important to  egypt data your website. Google’s guidelines on dates Have you noticed that there are times Google shows the date an article was published in the search results and sometimes it doesn’t? According to Google’s guidelines, Google will choose to show the publishing date of an article if it is useful for the user, especially for news. So how does Google find out when an article was published? Google uses multiple ways. Here’s what they say on their guidelines: “Google doesn’t depend on a single dating factor because factors to determine our best estimate of when a page was published or significantly updated.

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