Home » Mobile has a completely different intent

Mobile has a completely different intent

Actually one thing I didn’t mention in the tagging is definitely desktop versus mobile! because you’re going to see really different feature sets between desktop and mobile for these different types of keywords.  for some type of search. If you’re latvia number data a restaurant! for example, people searching for reservations on desktop might have a different intent to I want a restaurant right now on mobile, for example!and you’re standing there and you’re probably lost. Mobile has a completely different intent


What kind of intent is behind the search

Mobile has a completely different intent results?

You really have to think about what that intent means for the kind of search results that Google is going to serve. So for AMP! then you have to look at it and say! “Well, is this newsworthy? Why is more AMP being shown?” Should we consider moving our news or blog or whatever you call it to AMP so that we can start showing these search results in mobile? Is that something that Google is offering now?

A but what if we were actually there instead?

I don’t want the comment section to turn into a whole AMP debate!but I know there are clearly issues with AMP. But if search results are showing that searchers are seeing what you’re looking for and you’re not there! that’s definitely something you need to think about for your content strategy and thinking, “Is AMP something we need to pursue? Should we have more news content versus evergreen content?”


Build your content strategy around what searchers are looking for.

Maybe your content strategy is really focused on posts that might be relevant for years! when in reality your searchers are looking for things that are relevant to them right now. So for example! the thing with movers! there’s some kind of  job data   mover scam. There’s always a mover who takes someone’s stuff and locks it away forever, and they never give it back. There’s always a story like that in the news.


Maybe that’s why it’s AMP

Certainly before you start saying! “AMP everything.” For example! maybe it was a really bad day for movers. Then you can see the decline. So the list of top outstanding digital marketing agencies in Vietnam 2021  decline here is organic! which is the traditional 10 blue links. So obviously these new things that are coming!  like AMP! like Twitter!  places like that are displacing a lot of the organic results that used to be there.


So instead you think

okay, I can work organic all day! but if the results are just not there, I can limit the amount of traffic that comes to my website. Videos, for example!  now it was really interesting for this particular client that videos are a decreasing SERP for them, because videos are actually a big part of their content strategy. So if we see that videos are decreasing, we can take a step back and say, “Is this decreasing in the keywords that we care about? Why is this decreasing? Do we think this is a test or a long-term trend?”

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