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Advertising on Librus and Vulcan

Data from the Statista portal indicate that Librus is the undisputed leader among platforms supporting the organization of remote learning in Poland. In September 2022, its creators recorded as many as 310,000 application downloads. The take telegram advertising service Vulcan service, which is hot on its heels, achieved 268,000 installations of the mobile version in the same period. However, the statistics provided do not include the numbers related to logging into the systems from the browser level, and these are much higher. Where does the popularity of both services come from? And in connection with this, is advertising on Librus and Vulcan a good idea? Let’s check!

Librus and Vulcan – what platforms are these?

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Many of us heard the names Librus and Vulcan for the first time during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Ministry of Education and Science introduced remote learning at that time and these services proved to be the most effective, among other things, in organizing distance learning.

Librus is a company providing services supporting educational institutions in managing, teaching and monitoring their work, mainly by providing technological solutions . The most important examples from the LIbrus offer are:

  • Librus Academy – a specialized training platform for teachers;
  • e-certificates – software for filling out and printing certificates;
  • e-secretariat – a system for season the concert hall of streamlining the work of school administration;
  • e-biblio – a program for managing library collections;
  • Synergia – the famous e-journal, allowing for monitoring student progress and communication with teachers, as well as access to the schedule and links to video lessons, assigned homework, the scope of material to be covered and information on new guidelines;
  • Librus application – a service for mobile access to content from the Librus Synergia system, also in a version for teachers;
  • Librus portal – news on education law, research reports, articles on school and educational topics.

Vulcan, like Librus, directs its offer to schools and kindergartens, as well as local governments . The solutions proposed by its creators include:

  • UONET+ electronic journal ;
  • Optivum Law – legal service;
  • organization of training for education egypt data staff and local government representatives;
  • electronic recruitment system ;
  • Sigma – budget planning and control system;
  • support for the process of developing an educational strategy;
  • E-Advisor – electronic editions of a magazine covering legal, payroll and personnel issues in the field of education;
  • Dziennik+ application – mobile version of the UONET+ e-journal.


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