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After you have successfully identified

After you have successfully identified what kind of procrastinator you are, you can take the unique steps to becoming more productive. Andrews suggested a few habits to develop that can lead to increased productivity. This includes better sleep and meditation. Also, strive for specificity when it comes to goal setting through implementation and intentions. For example, tell yourself you will finish your assignment by noon.

By setting specific goals, you avoid

Vagueness and know exactly what you need to accomplish. Remember that everyone has a different kind of working style and often times, it’s about figuring out how you personally work best. This blog post is a recap of a session that took place at the recent Next Generation of Government Summit. Want to see more great insights that came out of Next Gen? Head here.

Favorite As a government employee,

You have probably felt uncertain and a little anxious about what the future holds for the public-sector. It may seem like we are living and working in a time of unprecedented change. However, according to the history of public service, this is not amazon database necessarily true. In order to dispel this myth, Don Kettl, Professor and Former Dean of the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland discussed the history of public service and how it can help guide our future at the Next Generation of Government Training Summit.

special data

Kettl kicked his talk off by explaining

That the current uncertainty doesn’t mean that everything in the government is falling apart. “If things seem crazy and like there is a tremendous there can be a maximum amount of friction, it is because we tend to fight about things that are important,” he said. “So, when we’re looking down the road of where we are taking the country, it is necessary to remember that we have been here before and this is not the first time we have had a difficult administration transition that is full of friction.

Previous administrations have had

Their first months leading the federal government fraught with everything from economic collapse, to terrorism, and involvement in global conflict. Kettl explained rich data that what we need to take away from these tough transitions is the fact that the only way to get through them is with good leadership. In the current Administration’s transition in particular, he emphasized that this leadership transformation must be able to leverage networking and technology.

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