Work from home? The main difference here is that your client is your boss. While in an agency you might lose a client due to communication breakdowns, in-house SEOs can lose their jobs. Obviously, this is a worst-case scenario, but if you’re a budget-conscious, and communicate these changes effectively could mean your boss will stop seeing the value of your position. Anticipating changes and reducing anxiety
There are some changes that
Anticipating changes and reducing anxiety we know about ahead of time.
For example, when Google announced the japan number data mobile-friendly update (remember #mobilegeddon?), they did so two months before the actual rollout, and they were also encouraging the use of mobile-friendly design long before that.
Google announced the return of
HTTPS as a ranking signal in 2014 and had been advocating for a secure web long before that, but theyChrome نے جولائی 2018 تک تمام غیر HTTPS صفحات پر “محفوظ نہیں” وارننگ شامل کرنا شروع نہیں کیا ۔
Big changes usually warrant big announcements before rollout. You need time to prepare for such changes and use that time to prepare your clients and stakeholders as well.
But to reduce the anxiety caused by
These changes, we need to know about them. So where can we go to stay up to date?
If you’ve been in the SEO industry for any length of time, these sources likely won’t be new to you, but these are some great ways to keep yourself informed:
Google Webmaster Central Blog : Official job data news about crawling and indexing sites for the Google index.
Keyword : Google’s main company blog
A good for staying up-to-date with company news and product updates.
Industry blogs like Search Engine Roundtable and Search Engine Journal or local-specific SEO blogs like Mike Blumenthal’s and LocalU (there are many more).
Pay attention to notices and updates from your SEO software/services providers .
Experience! When you’re in the trenches every day, you’re bound to discover something new.
If you know such a change is coming, be proactive! Inform your customers about what the change is, how it affects them, and what you plan to do about it.
For example:
Hey [client]! One of the metrics we include in your reporting, Domain Authority (DA), is changing next month, so we wanted to let you know using silo content structure to boost SEO search results what to expect! Moz is changing how they calculate DA, and as a result, some DA scores may be higher or lower. Rest assured, we’ll be monitoring your DA score to see how it changes in relation to your competitors’ scores. Here are some helpful slides for more information about the update , or feel free to give us a call and we’ll be happy to walk you through it in more detail.