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Avariant Can Be Form

The variant can be in the form of size, color. Or any other product characteristics. For example, colgate has different variants in its line of toothpastes. Such as colgate active salt, colgate advance and others. Also, if it sells the same toothpaste. In different sizes, it will also count as depth consistencyconsistency refers to how. The products in the product line are similar to each other. It can be from the point of view of use, distribution. Manufactures or in any other way. Greater consistency is beneficial because of better distribution panama phone number library and of course.

Less Costs Besides Also

At less cost. In addition, it also keeps your brand image consistent with the products offerby yours. By society. Nestlé is a classic example because they have great consistency in their product line. I understand you can. Give some solid examples of product mix? cocacola to make things simpler, let’s assume that cocacola has. Only two product lines – juice and soft drinks. Cocacola offers four flavors for juices. – mango, orange, mixfruit and guava are offerby diet coke as part of soft drinks. Fanta, coke zero and sprite. Juices soft drinks mango diet coke orange fantamix fruit coke zeroguava.

Aspritenow Let’s Find Out the Dimensions

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Aspritenow, let’s figure out the four dimensions in this case. The width of the company’s product mix is ​​two -. Because there are two product lines. The length would be eight because there are in every product line. Four products. The depth of the consent model has been implemented by default product mix will be four products for each product line as they exist. Four variants. Consistency is extremely high as all products are somewhat similar. Read on. Si more definition of price skimming, types of stages, advantages against. Appleapple has several product lines, but. For this example, let’s say apple has four different product lines – iphone, iwatch, ipad.

Aa MacbookIphone

Oh macbook. In the iPhone category, Apple offers three iPhone s, iPhone X, and iPhone models. Xi. In the macbook category apple offers three models…and so on for ipad and iwatch. Iphone macbook. Ipad iwatchs macbook pro ipad pro series x macbook pro – chip m ipad mini. Series xi macbook air ipad air series now let’s find out the four egypt data dimensions in this case. The width of the company’s product mix is ​​four – because there are four product lines. The length would be Twelve, because that’s the total number of products the company offers.

Aproduct Mix Depth Three

The product mix of depth will be three. Products for each product line, as there are three variants. Consistency is extremely high because all The products are somewhat similar. Amazing so, there are some factors that could. Influence the product mix? The product mix can be modifior expandbason eight factors. Financial position of the company. With a good financial situation, it is likely to have more products in its product mix in comparison. With a company that doesn’t have the budget to create and roll out new products. In addition, the company that Financially, it may even reduce its existing products or product lines.

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