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But it allows the transfer of manuscripts

Books copyright prices are 70% for all prices and all territories. Lulu Publishing is a platform that allows you to create and publish e-books for various e-book stores. It also offers the possibility to publish the book on its own website and help with the creation of the book itself.

Kobo Writing Life is a platform

that is very easy to use, all you have to do is open turkey phone number library an account and upload an e-book to that account. Thus, the book becomes available in more than 190  countries around the world. Their profit rate is 70% and 45% depending on the price of the e-book itself.  that offers a profit-per-sale rate of up to 80%.

Draft2Digital is a newer platform for e-publishing

But it allows the transfer of manuscripts in a Word document or any other format. And their commission is only 10% of the retail price of the e-book. Gumroad is a platform that enables the integration of e-book sales into any website or social network. Electronic books should be an integral part of the marketing strategy, especially within content marketing .

You can give away e-books for free


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Or sell them through one of these platforms. By giving away a book, you can get valid information about the target population (e-mail afriend of mine said that he addresses, etc.), and by selling it, you can make a profit. In this way, you will promote your own brand, present yourself as an expert in a certain field, but also build closer relationships with consumers.

Also, this is a great way to increase

Your website traffic.Basic terms in web design: meaning and use Dictionary of basic terms in web design What is web design? Web design refers to the creation and  development of web pages with the goal of displaying the content of those pages in a certain way to the end user using a browser.

A web designer works on the layout

Layout (structure and categorization of information) and, in some cases, the content of a website. No matter what type of work you do, if you have or plan to a complete list of unit phone numbers create a website, it is necessary to know the basic terms in web design that will facilitate your communication with designers.

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