Remember, you may lose some people on your email list, but Inbound Marketing is about quality over quantity.
HubSpot has been on top of the GDPR since its inception in 2018. Admins can now configure account defaults to take GDPR into consideration across a variety of features:
Send marketing emails only to those you are legally allowed to communicate with.
The cookie consent banner is enabled by default.
Delete a contact completely.
GDPR ready forms with mint database notification/consent messages.
Unsubscribe links for emails enabled by default.
Meeting links with notification/consent messages.
Lists with consent/processing information upon import, bulk editing, or manual creation.
More ( source ).

Still need more information on this topic?
Discover HubSpot’s ultimate guide to GDPR. After making sure GDPR compliance is in order, don’t forget to create a great marketing email. Here are 5 tips . Also discover our article on how to create your content marketing strategy.
Social media trends for 2020 and beyond
Social media is a reality of our digital world, with its pros and cons. Even building a wordpress child theme over the weekend with fake news and hackers, we know our customers are out there… and that’s good news for brands.
Users will want to interact with your brand on social media only if you do your marketing strategy right. That means following proven methods and adding the latest trends to your social media strategy .
Proven Social Media Trends That Are Still Relevant
New is not always better. In fact, there are many “old” methods that are still valid in social media strategy and that you should continue to use:
Mobile-first : Honestly, how much do you use your computer yeezys shoes to browse social media compared to your smartphone? The answer is that you probably use your phone a lot more, so this will have to be taken into account when creating “mobile-friendly” formats.
Video: This is certainly not a new trend, but it continues to show its star power. Video is more captivating than ever. You may need gifs, animations or long videos, but how do you know which one to use at each moment? Find out in this post .