Home » Effective techniques that I refuse to use and that most people do wrong

Effective techniques that I refuse to use and that most people do wrong

LinkedIn is a fantastic channel. There is no doubt about it. For those who know how and want to do things well, there are practically no limits. I see what others are doing and I can only applaud them. And please don’t take this as irony. I say this with all the seriousness in the world.

Having my roots in content marketing, I recognize the patterns. Things haven’t changed, it’s just that the medium is different. My small tests on LinkedIn are so far  . The good thing is that right now I’m at a point where more activity would not be feasible for me.

Who is LinkedIn best for?

LinkedIn is the perfect site for professionals in virtually every industry. as I did months ago for a client, or you can do it more “naturally.” Organically, it takes a little more time, but it works just as well, or even better, I would say.

For salespeople and entrepreneurs, LinkedIn qatar whatsapp number data is definitely the best. All your clients are just a chat away. If you want to find a job, it’s also good to have a well-developed presence and be well connected to be close to new opportunities.

WhatsApp Data

How to do it right on LinkedIn?

Connecting for the sake of connecting local seo for service websites is not very useful, as my 10,000+ contacts prove. The most valuable are probably the last 1,000 in my case.

If you connect you have to interact. This is the pattern of many.

  1. View a “target” profile.
  2. Follow the profile three days later.
  3. Re-view profile.
  4. Interact on any of the target’s posts.
  5. Request connection two weeks after first viewing.
  6. If successful, please write a message a week later.

Why does this tactic often work?

People are curious and have egos. We like to know who is interested in us. Everyone tends to be curious about that unknown person who “looked at” me and/or liked me. It is the essence of all social networks.

Interacting before asking to connect with an gambler data unknown target is highly recommended and can work. At least with me, you will. I am 100% clear about what will happen when someone with “B2B sales” or similar in their profile views my profile. Even so, I usually accept most of them.

What most people do wrong after connecting

After having “warmed up” the cold lead and having taken the necessary steps prior to connecting, now the rush arises. Most people want to go to the big one too quickly with an overly commercial message.

This is what you should do instead of trying to sell in your first message. Ask these kinds of questions.

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