Home » Golden Rules: How to Minimize the Risks of Push Notification Blocking

Golden Rules: How to Minimize the Risks of Push Notification Blocking

It would seem that even journalism departments teach this: the essence is in the first sentence, then the disclosure. In the case of mobile content formats, this is more relevant than ever. In the case of push notifications, it is critical.

The length of the pop-up message on the screen is 60 characters for iOS and 45 characters for Android. The previous sentence was 87 characters long. Do you realize how brief you need to be?
Let them finish reading!

A teaser-deception


is the worst thing you could come up with. Classic style of the yellow oman phone number data Internet press. The push says “Do you know what

mobile phone number library

Elon Musk bought as a gift …”. The user thinks: “What the hell, what?!” and swipes the screen with curiosity. And you just transferred it to the catalog. Hmm, someone is a Dynamo fan?

The golden rule: always give the user a chance to finish reading. The beginning of the message is in the push, the end is on the page where it leads. And then do whatever you want with it: sell a catalog, recommend personalized products, or ask for a review.
Know your place

Users have a privilege: they can choose where on the screen their push notifications will appear. Of course, everyone would like to occupy a large sticker in the center. But I can manually switch you to the strip at the top. And you will have to take this into account right away.



Remember that your push notifications should look equally good in any form: even on a narrow pop-up strip at the top. Don’t be lazy and test them. And reread point one.
Distinguish yourself with an icon

Remember the joke that in order to be a social network, you need to have a blue icon? Indeed, in Russian realities: Facebook, Twitter, VK, Skype, Telegram – all have blue icons. Sometimes it is not clear where a push years old his father was message came from. Now think about it: how can you stand out on the locked screen among the feed of other notifications from social networks and chats (there are an incredible number of them from there).

If you plan to do push marketing, come up with an icon that kuwait data would be different from: a) icons of popular social networks and messengers b) icons of competitors’ applications.
Beware of the banhammer

Pushes are not the place to be intrusive. Because otherwise, with one light movement of the finger, I can send you into eternal silence.

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