I love it when different events happen exactly “at the right time”. So the book “Managers are not born” fell into my hands at the right time. In it, two authors – Denny Strigl and Frank Swiatek, based on their rich experience, give recommendations on how to become a productive manager. The main idea is that cool managers are not born at all, but germany telegram data become so only through hard work on themselves.
I offer you a review in the format of an excerpt of the most useful, step-by-step guide on how to cultivate an effective manager in yourself.
4 main tasks of a manager
In life, routine very often takes up if not all the time, then the lion’s share of it. The same is true for managers – most of their working time is spent not on planned development work, but on solving operational tasks that arise spontaneously and require attention here and now.
To overcome routine, the authors of the book advise planning the manager’s working day in such a way as to devote attention and resources to solving 4 main tasks, namely:
Income growth
Attracting new clients
Retaining existing customersCutting costs
A very useful exercise that you can. Do now or at the end of the. Work day is to write down on a piece. Of paper the answers to the questions: “how can my function directly or indirectly. Affect the degree of concentration on this task. “how do other functions directly or indirectly affect it?”
after completing the exercise. You will understand which of the. Tasks you should concentrate on. In which of the tasks you can achieve. Greater success, since it is directly related to your functions.
Meetings and verbal communication
Every meeting should have a beginning, middle and end, and this order should be respected. It often happens that the participants of the meeting cannot get to the point or formulate the conclusion of the meeting, so there is no sense of closure.
Regarding the order of the meeting, it is important to give all participants an understanding at the beginning of why they are here, what the gambler data purpose of the meeting is, and what they will need to do after the meeting. When this is clear from the start, more precise questions are asked and the meeting is more productive.
The meeting must have a goal! The goal must be formulated and clear to all participants of the meeting. Also, only those people who are responsible for this goal should be at the meeting. Avoid unnecessary people at meetings.
Meetings should start and end exactly at the agreed time. Only this way and no other way! This shows that you value your time and the time of other meeting participants and helps everyone to be as involved as possible.
The main quality of a manager is responsibility
It is responsibility that is the tool that microservices architecture enables managers to achieve results. As a team or department leader, a manager is an example of commitment to the company’s interests for his employees.
A good manager does everything possible (within reason) to demonstrate his or her commitment to the common cause.
Good managers blame themselves for the lack of results and do their best to correct the situation as soon as possible. If the manager is not responsible, the level of commitment suffers.