Home » How much more do sellers earn on Prime Day on Amazon?

How much more do sellers earn on Prime Day on Amazon?

It’s official. Today I start my first day of workation . Half a day working until 13:30-14:00 and then I switch off. I had a bad night with allergies. I didn’t expect to have so many problems here where almost nothing grows. Luckily, when I turned off the air conditioning I was able to breathe normally again and I was able to sleep.

After making my daily coffee, I sat down in front of my laptop to analyse the figures. It seems that the day hasn’t gone too badly. The turnover has been 5.5k. The margin is below 18%, which is usually around 25%. That’s what Prime is all about. Lowering prices to sell more.

You can double bill on the first day

I don’t have data for all the sellers, but in accounts that are more established like ours, I would expect to invoice double. In smaller accounts, it would possibly be feasible to multiply the invoice by three or four and double the profits.

Prime Day happens twice a year for poland whatsapp number data two days. So today is day number two. I don’t think we’ll see sales as strong as on day one. I still see a turnover of 3-4k with the same margin. People who had plans to buy something have mostly already done so on day one. I’d like to be wrong here.

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Why we are now focusing on sales days like Prime Day

I said this years ago in another post where servicesthese data indicate that services our account situation was still different. There I postulated that instead of lowering prices we raised them. The truth is that I have seen sales in all products. In those with discounts and those without discounts. When I made this statement we hardly had any products of our own. Products from brands like Lego are obviously not going to be given away by lowering the price because I know that they will sell no matter what. It would be foolish to do sales promotions because you ruin your margin and give away profit without receiving anything in return.

In our case, things have changed today. We have significant quantities of our own brand products in stock. That is why what is sold out sooner can be replenished sooner (which is not the case for Lego).

Apart from turnover

There is another factor that is even gambler data more important: recurring purchases. This is what I look for with our products. Although this special price is also enjoyed by existing customers, in the end it is also a way of building loyalty to our brand. For new buyers we want to lower the barrier to entry by trying a product and brand that they have no first-hand experience with. Many of our products are recurring. Those who buy once, repeat.

Well, that’s my summary of Prime Day. Nothing crazy, but more within expectations. Let’s see how the second day goes.

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