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How to copy third-party content correctly

With the arrival of Google Panda, one might think that copying and pasting existing content is over. In my case, I can confirm the opposite. Almost daily I find my posts copied 1:1 on other blogs, media or portals. I don’t mind as long as what I see as a minimum is met.

Copying and pasting third-party content correctly

Whether we are talking about portals, media or blogs, there is a practice of copying third-party content. Not everyone thinks like me, who thinks it is a positive thing. If you want to do it despite all the inconveniences that duplicate content entails, you should take into account the following 3 points.

If you do not ask for a contract or authorization (which I recommend) you should at least make a reference to the original source. It should contain the links of the article so that the author receives traffic from your site and sees the advantage that copying his article brings. In no case should you copy content at the time of publication. This way, the article on your website could be indexed first on Google and the original author would be belize phone number library penalized by Google for duplicate content (something you always have to accept when you take texts from third parties). In this case, be prepared for a possible lawsuit and a very angry blogger or editor.

phone number library

Copying content legally

To obtain legal protection when you want to use third-party texts, you need a signed contract. All content is protected by copyright and provides relief from everyone you can be sued if you do it without obtaining authorization. In Spain, there are still not many lawsuits for copied content (at least as far as I know). If we look at other countries like Germany, there are lawyers who are specialized in the illicit use of texts, photos, videos, etc. The demand for these types of cases is a business. Let’s hope this never comes to Spain.

Obtaining authorization correctly

A simple way to copy third-party content ba leads is to ask for authorization. An email can be enough. It is usually a good way to get in touch with bloggers or authors from other types of media. I don’t know many people who would not give their permission to publish because they receive free promotion. Although it is true that not everyone thinks the same in this regard.

The minimum you should

If you do not ask for a contract or authorization (which I recommend) you should at least make a reference to the original source. It should contain the links of the article so that the author receives traffic from your site and sees the advantage that copying his article brings. In no case should you copy content at the time of publication. This way, the article on your website could be indexed first on Google and the original author would be penalized by Google for duplicate content (something you always have to accept when you take texts from third parties). In this case, be prepared for a possible lawsuit and a very angry blogger or editor.

If you copy content from third parties, do it correctly. Don’t do it too often because your blog or website could be penalized in positioning. What are your tips for publishing articles from other authors.

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