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How to Create a Landing Page on Google Sites Easily and Quickly

How to create a landing page on Google Site? Running a business online nowadays requires you to have your own landing page . One form of this website page can actually help your business earn more money because it increases conversions too.

Maybe many of you don’t even know what a landing page is . Actually, this landing page has an easy explanation and can be creat quickly using Google Site. So, what is a landing page and how do you create one using Google Site? The ToffeeDev team has latvia phone number library summariz the answers to both questions in detail below. Check out the following information!

List of contents
What is a Landing Page?
Landing Page Function
1. Increase Leads
2. Speed ​​up transactions

Types of Landing Pages

1. Lead Generation Landing Pages
2. Click-Through Landing Pages
How to Create a Landing Page on Google Site
Difference between Website and Landing Page
1. Focus on Goals
2. Simple Navigation
3. More Segmented Content
4. More Specific Performance Measurement
5. Simpler, Conversion-Oriented Design
What is a Landing Page?
Landing page is a page ona websitethat has been specifically design with a focus on marketing. This page is always display when visitors enterthe websitefrom paid searchresults.

Of course, landing pages have their own characteristics when compared to homepages . Some of the

characteristics of landing pages include:


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Landing pages are specifically created to have different functions on a website , including increasing marketing activities.
Inviting website visitors to focus on just one type of product and make a transaction right away. For example, ToffeeDev has a landing page for SEO Services where we provide information about SEO optimization for businesses that want to increase leads and sales .
Inviting website visitors to make certain decisions. Examples include buying a product, learning information about the product, and filling out a form provided on the website .
From the explanation of the characteristics of the landing page above, you must have gotten an idea of ​​how important this website page is. In fact, your website should have a landing page , especially to promote certain products that are important and are the mainstay of the business.

Also Read: How to Create a Landing Page According to Google’s Latest Algorithm

Landing Page Function
Maybe you can see what the functions of the landing page are after reading the characteristics section. But that’s not all. There are still two functions of the landing page that you should understand.

1. Increase Leads

Every business definitely wants to get increased sales. To be able to achieve the sales target that has been made, of course it is necessary to get higher website visitors. After that, it is calculated again into website visitors who have the potential to become buyers or leads .

Landing pages can be the right step for you in collecting potential visitor data or leads . Increasing leads must continue to be obtain in business. These potential buyers are indeed expect to make purchases in the future.

2. Speed ​​up transactions
The second function of the landing page is to speed up transactions. When you have creat a landing page , the content in it is expect to be able to increase sales optimally. That is why different treatments are needed when creating a landing page .

The website page

that becomes the add some emoji to make it look even better landing page must have minimal distractions from the menu display and other navigation buttons. That way, the landing page is made in such a way that website visitors who enter it can immediately see your business products or services. They can focus on what are the advantages of the products or services they want to buy. That’s why there shouldn’t be too many other things that are useless and can be a distraction for landing page visitors .

Both landing page functions above can be obtained directly at once when creating this type of website page . In addition, there are several types of landing pages too. What are the types?

Types of Landing Pages
Before we get into the main discussion, which is how to create a landing page on Google Site, we will see what types of landing pages there are . Broadly speaking, there are only two types of landing pages , namely lead generation landing pages and click-through landing pages . Let’s discuss them below.

1. Lead Generation Landing Pages
The main function of lead generation landing pages is to collect data from potential customers. The function of this type of landing page is already visible from its name. The data that is usually collected is the name and email address of potential customer data.

Both of these data will be store by you so that you can continue to build relationships with potential customers. When you already have the email and name of the potential customer, then don’t forget to send various information about promos, discounts, blog articles, new products, to ebooks . Usually, this practice is often done by businesses with a B2B marketing model. But it doesn’t have to be B2B either, you can also do it if you run a business model that does have high-cost products and services.

Also Read: A/B Testing on Landing Pages

2. Click-Through Landing Pages
Then the second type of landing page is click-through landing pages . This landing page model is commonly used by e-commerce businesses or B2C marketing models. Why is this type of landing page more suitable for both types of businesses? Of course there are important reasons.

The landing page you create and display usually only creates one simple button. This button focuses directly on the sales transaction. That is why the writing in the button is usually something like “Buy Now”, “Choose Now”, to “Shop Now”.

Landing pages like this can lead website visitors to immediately make purchases on the website . With minimal other navigation buttons visible on the landing page , visitors focus on your product or service and have the potential to make a purchase. Their potential to move to another web page is also minimal.

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Sementara itu, landing page memiliki fokus yang lebih spesifik sehingga metrik yang diukur juga lebih langsung berkaitan dengan konversi. Beberapa crawler data metrik kunci yang menjadi perhatian pada landing page adalah tingkat konversi (conversion rate), jumlah pengisian formulir, atau klik pada tombol CTA. Dengan pengukuran yang lebih spesifik ini, Anda dapat mengevaluasi efektivitas kampanye secara lebih cepat dan akurat.

5. Desain yang Lebih Sederhana dan Berorientasi pada Konversi
Website sering kali memiliki desain yang lebih kompleks untuk mencerminkan identitas brand dan memberikan pengalaman visual yang menarik bagi pengunjung. Desain ini umumnya mencakup elemen visual, animasi, dan fitur interaktif yang dimaksudkan untuk memperkuat branding.

Sebaliknya, landing page dirancang dengan pendekatan minimalis dan fokus pada konversi. Desainnya cenderung sederhana, tanpa elemen yang tidak perlu, sehingga pengunjung dapat langsung melihat CTA yang disediakan. Elemen seperti headline yang kuat, subheadline, dan tombol CTA yang mencolok adalah fokus utama dari sebuah landing page. Semua elemen ini diarahkan untuk memandu pengunjung melakukan tindakan yang diinginkan secepat mungkin tanpa distraksi.

Jadi, sekarang

Anda sudah mengerti cara membuat landing page di Google Site. Anda bisa memanfaatkan salah satu fitur layanan dari Google ini tanpa harus mengeluarkan biaya dalam membuatnya. Walau memang gratis, bukan berarti landing page yang Anda buat tidak berkualitas. Asalkan Anda memahami bagaimana membuat landing page yang baik dan profesional, maka hasilnya sudah pasti bagus.

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Semoga informasi yang ToffeeDev berikan di atas dapat bermanfaat untuk Anda di dalam membuat landing page sendiri dan mudah dipahami karena sangat bermanfaat bagi online marketing. Namun kami hadir di sini tidak hanya untuk memberikan informasi, melainkan juga Jasa Pembuatan Website yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan bisnis Anda.

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