Javier Marcilla
Javier Marcilla
Editor of Ninja SEO blog. Interested in everything related to Web Positioning and Online Marketing.
Wrote 7 posts
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Content Promotion
Promoting content on Social Media is key to improving your websi overseas data te’s positioning . Find out what you need to keep in mind when creating and distributing articles.
To finish my series of basic SEO articles published on Doppler , today I will give you an introduction to content promotion . If you developed intense Content Marketing strategies to get new clients or satisfy the ones you already have, now you must worry about promoting what you want others to see . Keep reading and find the unbeatable way to spread your productions!
Are you one of those people who, when you finish publishing an article, simply share the link on ws data Twitter and Facebook ? Then you must recognize that you are not promoting yourself properly. Below, learn some tips that will help you with your promotion on social networks .
Importance of content promotion
You might be surprised by what I’m going to say, but it can be more conve campaigns allows you to pinpoint your recipients nient to publish less content and promote it properly than to write every day without spreading it. Are you wondering why? The main reason is that a huge amount of data is published on the Internet every day, so standing out among all of it is increasingly difficult.
Yes, I know what you’re thinking! You’ve created a great article after thoroughly researching your niche , found a topic with potential, researched Keywords and structured the On-Page SEO … and you still need to invest more time in promotion ?
Yes, if you want your content to be successful, you need to do it and think about it even before you publish the article, which is what most experienced marketers do. So you need to make an effort and start promoting each and every piece of content you publish .