Home » How to Overcome Laziness and Procrastination

How to Overcome Laziness and Procrastination

post is a little different than the typical info I write about, however, it is still . T very important if you are working on your own business. You see, there are a few things that I have been putting off for a while that need to get done, But, I just Before we can get to the “how” of overcoming laziness and procrastination, we must first define each one as they are a little different from each other.

Laziness is a state of mind where

you just don’t care. Yes, there are things that you could japan phone number data do that need getting done, but you lack the focus and desire to accomplish these things. Procrastination on the other hand is a reluctant behavior to do something. It differs from laziness in that it isn’t that the procrastinator doesn’t care, it is that something is mentally holding him or her back from doing it.

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It could be fear of failure

criticism repercussions from suffering a past paying at the Table: The Complete Guide for Restaurateurs setback – something in your mind is telling them not to do it … at least for now. The other big difference between the two is that when we procrastinate, we end up feeling guilty about not doing whatever it is that we are avoiding doing. Not doing something do to laziness does not come with the guilt … because they just don’t care!

Now that we know the difference between laziness egypt data and procrastination, let’s look at a process to eliminate them. As we saw, they are inherently different, yet the same process can be used to eliminate both of them. It actually consists of four steps. Step 1 – Identify the reason behind why you don’t want to do something. Are you bored or are you using either as an avoidance mechanism? If so, why are you avoiding doing it? With laziness, you could be bored and choose to spend your time doing something else.

You could be avoiding doing something just because you don’t see the value of accomplishing that task. With procrastination, you are most likely using it as an avoidance mechanism. The difference is you see the value of accomplishing the task at hand, but choose to accomplish it at a later time. You might feel the task is too large to accomplish right now. If that is the case, break it down into smaller and more manageable chunks. Remember the old adage “How do you eat an elephant?

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