Home » Its principle is to observe users

Its principle is to observe users

Social listening is also valu by companies in Hong Kong. It is very important for promoting corporate brands and preventing public relations disasters. ‘ opinions, views, feelings, and evaluations of their brands on the Internet and social m ia through key words, and then summarize the trends of netizens. If suspect attacks on the brand are found, they can be dealt with first.

Social Listening uses a sophisticat

artificial intelligence system to automatically update online information every day, extracting valuable information from large amounts of data to analyze whether users have a positive or negative impression of a brand or company. Only after the company learns of the evaluation can it plan the next step, thus r ucing the burden on manpower.

For example, the second largest bank in the UK, Barclays Bank, launch a mobile app call “PingIt” in the early years. But a few days after the release, Barclays decid to make major changes to the app.

After the release, they us Social

Listening and found negative reviews on various bc data philippines channels. It turn out that many users were dissatisfi that the mobile app was not suitable for teenagers under 18. Moreover, their parents were also dissatisfi because they could not transfer funds to them, which was likely to cause a public relations disaster.

Special data

However, thanks to Social Listening’s data

analysis, Barclays was able to take quick action. In the then end the letter politely following week, Barclays re-impos the age limit, successfully revers the situation, and improv customer satisfaction again, demonstrating the commercial value of Social Listening to the enterprise.
Active marketing is the key for foreign trade enterprises to go overseas
In recent years, with the development of material data mobile Internet, Internet consumers are getting younger and younger, and the situation of cross-border e-commerce is very good. The Internet has become a bridge connecting the world, allowing you and your customers to reach a deal without meeting in person. It is imperative for foreign trade companies to market their brands overseas.

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