Legal requirements to convert your business into a franchise in Mexico

In order to operate and function as a franchise in Mexico, you must comply with 5 legal requirements, so as not to take steps in vain and to be sure that you do not leave anything behind.


Below we detail the legal requirements to convert your business into a franchise in Mexico:

Register your trademark

The first thing you should do is protect your brand, since your name or idea may be interesting to others, so it is important that you register the name of your brand, as well as your logo and slogan, if you have one. To do so, you should go to the registry, patent and trademark office in your country. To learn more about trademark registration in Mexico, click here.

Registration in the Franchise Registry
You must register your business in the AMF Franchise Registry, so that you can obtai belgium telegram data n the necessary licenses and operate freely in your business’s commercial system.

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When starting the process to franchise a business, one of the formalit Enterprise Is Even More Expensive ies that you must take into account is the contract, a document to be signed by both parties: franchisor and franchisee. This document sets out the rights and obligations, as well as the duration of the contract, renewal, exclusivity, fees, transfer of rights, location, sanctions and limitations, among other guidelines. Enter into a written franchise contract, adhering to the content guidelines mentioned in article 142 Bis of the In by lists dustrial Property Law.


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