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Letting People Comment on Your Posts

it was apparent that a couple of participants were not permitting others to comment on their website. This is something that you probably will want people to do as there are benefits to having people leave comments on your website. One of the benefits of having blog posts on your website is that people can leave comments. This is called Interaction and is a great aspect of SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

You see when Google Bing and Yahoo

and the other lesser known search engines see comments on your website, they acknowledge a couple of things: You have Traffic to your website You have new Content on your website These two aspects help you get better rankings in the search engines! Because of this, you want to ensure that you are allowing people to leave comments! If your website is created in WordPress, you have it, so use it!

From within your Dashboard

on the left side of the screen, you can go to Settings and then italy phone number data Discussion. This section contains a list of options that change how WordPress processes comments. Experimenting with these settings can help you find a balance between restricting comments to reduce the amount of spam or less-relevant comments you receive and encouraging your users to actively participate on your site.

Phone Number Data

Specifically, you will want to. T review the section add some emoji to make it look even better at the top: Make sure the last option is selected, “Allow people to post. T comments on new articles.” This will allow, um, people to post comments on new articles! (pretty self-descriptive, huh?) If this is NOT checked people will NOT be able to leave . T a comment you will not get the engagement and for most people it is not a good thing. The other options Attempt to notify any blogs . T linked to from the article: This option will enable your site to automatically notify the sites you linked to that you have linked to them.

They can then choose to tell their users that another site egypt data  Instead of allowing your site to notify other sites, you are allowing other sites to notify your site. If you enable this option, pingbacks and trackbacks are managed in a similar way to comments. Users must be registered and logged in to comment: This option will only.

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