Home » Making money online with your blog or website – how to monetize better if you are a beginner

Making money online with your blog or website – how to monetize better if you are a beginner

Although it is not for most bloggers, making money online can be one of many reasons to start a blog. It is not easy to generate income with a blog. If you think you can get rich maybe you should try something else. Although with a little effort it is possible, few bloggers manage to earn 1,000 Euro a month with online ads.

Monetizing a blog for Dummies

As with everything in life, nothing is achieved without effort. So that you do not take so long to take the first steps to generate income with your blog or site, I am going to start a series with 5 posts of which 2 are already published.

Making money online with a blog for dummies (beginners)

1. The 5 sources of income from a blog

2. How to implement advertising on your blog without your readers running away

3. Companies and online advertising models that help you get more out of your blog

4. The 5 steps to insert cambodia phone number library advertising on your blog in 15 minutes

5. How to earn 1,000 Euros a month with a new blog in less than a year

phone number library

If you are already more

Advanced with your blog, you may be more interested in the series on “Making money online with your blog or website” when you have to learn email marketing already overcome that initial phase. I will soon start this series for bloggers and webmasters with a little more experience.

How to increase your website’s revenue if you’ve been doing it for more than a year

1. 10 ideas to better monetize your blog

2. 7 basic tips to increase the azb directory revenue from advertising spaces on your website

3. 10 ways to contact a direct advertiser for your website

4. Mobile advertising for your blog – get 300-400% more performance from your users who access from tablets or iPhones.

Monetize a portal, blog or website by exceeding 1 million page views

Although there are not many professional bloggers, many companies make a living from the monetization of a website. Sales are totally related to both the commercial success of direct sales to advertisers and the eCPM of unsold inventory. This series is dedicated to professionals in the sector and all those who want to take the plunge.

10 basic tips to increase your income

If you have a website with more than 1 million page views

2. How to increase eCPM by 10-25% per page view if you have a website with traffic

3. What a media buyer would advise you to make your site more attractive to sell online ads

4. How not to cannibalize your premium traffic if 75% of your traffic is unsold inventory

5. What is an Ad Exchange and how does it help me to better monetize my unsold inventory?

It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner, you have been doing it for more than 1 year or you already have a website with traffic. What topics are you interested in additionally to include and cover in the different series? If you don’t want to miss the posts about “Making money online with your blog or website” subscribe to this blog.

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