Home » My first week of workation – this is how it’s going

My first week of workation – this is how it’s going

I recently explained the concept of  , which in short is combining work with vacation ( work + vacation ). We have spent the first half week in this work-vacation mode and I can say that it hasn’t been that bad.

Yesterday we met for breakfast with friends from Germany. They landed in Alicante on Sunday. Besides being friends from Germany they have also been our neighbours for many years while we were still living in Alicante. I was surprised to hear that they will also be in the same mode of working in the mornings and holidays in the afternoon.

Plan it with your company

Because she seems to have run out of holiday days. She seemed a bit worried because it was the first time she had done it. If you are also considering doing it, I would recommend this to you.

It doesn’t matter if you are employed or self-employed. It’s a matter of agreeing and/or organizing your stay. In my case, I had to announce to the German consulting client that I would be available part-time for the next three weeks new zealand whatsapp number data working from Spain. There were zero problems in doing so. The important thing is that the key tasks are completed. In my case, it is to complete the weekly performance reports on Mondays (today).

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Plan it with your family

I leave home at 9am to be in the office in other benefits of marketing automation marketing Spain before 9.30am. This gives me time to sit down and talk with my team before I have the first meeting of the day with my German client. At the same time, my family knows that I finish between 1.30pm and 2pm. An important piece of advice: don’t plan too tightly. In other words, don’t plan to be at the beach at 2.30pm so you don’t get stressed out if the day gets longer. After all, it’s also a holiday, so give yourself time so that your plans for the day don’t run the risk of making you anxious.

Getting up early in the morning

I may have an advantage here. I don’t mind getting gambler data up early, in fact I like to be up before anyone else to . In summer it is more difficult to go to bed early. In 80% of cases we have managed to be in bed before 11pm. If you start work between 9-10am there are no problems. You have to get enough sleep. In my case I also combine it with going out to train before going to work because I am already starting my.

Bottom line: it can work very well if you get organized. It’s still early days for a final conclusion but it seems like it could work out as planned.

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