Nowadays, search engines take into

That is to say, if someone links to your page with a link whose text is “removable pools”, they are telling their visitors and search engines that by clicking on the link they should arrive at a page that primarily deals with that topic .

For a long time, it was enough to get a large number of links that contained your keyword in the anchor text (called “Anchor Text”). But now it is not so simple anymore.

A account other factors such as authority and relevance . Let’s say that there is a system, with its flaws and imperfections, to determine the quality and strength of a link and try to avoid abuses.

If all links had the same weight

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A the page with the most links, regardless of their quality , would always be the first. Fortunately, we see this less and less.

No two links are the same
When someone links to one of your pages, they are passing on part phone number library  of their authority (formerly PageRank ) and relevance to you. Therefore, a link from an authoritative site with a topic closely related to yours will help you rank better. Why? For the simple reason that you are being recommended by someone who Google already trusts and knows what they are talking about.

Of course, the ideal is to get many links with high authority and great thematic relevance, but since this is not always possible, my order of priorities when it comes to getting links is:

Link from a domain with good authority

Link from a domain wit ws data  h high Thematic Relevance.
Link from a domain with good authority.
General tips for getting useful backlinks :

Links should be (or appear) natural .
Anchor Text should not always be the same: use variations of your Keyw and datadriven business activities It is also ords, your business name, product names, etc.
It is best if the language of the linking site is the same as yours, although if the thematic relevance is very strong it will still be beneficial.
A link that Google doesn’t know about doesn’t exist. If the page that links to you isn’t indexed , the link won’t be useful to you.
Link placement is very important. The most valuable ones appear in the body of the article and the less valuable ones appear in the footer , sidebars, etc.
It is not always a good idea to link to the main domain, but rather to an internal page that is more closely related to the page that links to you.
I recommend you read this other article where I explain in more detail what a quality link is.


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