Home » Our most important tasks after Prime Day ends

Our most important tasks after Prime Day ends

It wasn’t a 10, but it was an 8.5. There are always things that need to be improved. In our case, we forgot about some products that would have been eligible for Prime Day.  Needless to say, there was no benefit here.

Now that Prime Day is over, the work is not over, but rather the opposite. There is still a lot of work ahead of us.

Replenish stock :

  1. we have been optimistic about sales of some products, but even so it never hurts to replenish stock on time. Especially for products that have a good turnover and we have enough stock in the warehouse.
  2. Balance prices : in some cases it is necessary philippines whatsapp number data to correct the base price. The next Prime Day will surely arrive and we should have prices with discounts that still allow us to make some profit, even if it is small.

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Ask for reviews :

  1. This isn’t something you need to do to stay efficient, you must persevere right away, but a little reminder on your calendar is a good idea. With all the sales we’ve had, we’re sure to get some reviews. Fingers crossed that they’ll be high.
  2. Optimize listings : Ok, this isn’t really something specific to Prime Day, but I’ll use any excuse to focus on this task. Here, too, you need to analyze listings that have sold less than expected to better understand the reasons and plan improvements.

Make a brief summary :

  1. what went well and what went wrong? We gambler data often don’t do this and I’m putting it here as a reminder so that the first person on the team to read it can schedule the meeting.
  2. Documenting lessons learned – memory fails us. It’s always good to document the highlights.

After Prime Day is before Prime Day, so we’re getting to work.

It is advisable to show genuine interest in the person you are interacting with. You will usually receive a response. I usually do not respond to commercial messages and I am not a weirdo with this behavior.

Now, this “effective technique” takes time. I know the theory so I don’t feel like putting it into practice right now, to be honest. Right now I’m prioritizing other issues

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