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Personal and professional measures to perform better in 2024

I like this “getting older” thing more and more. With age comes more experience and above all credibility. When you are in your early 20s there is simply a lot of advice that you cannot give with judgment because of your lack of years. At 44 I still don’t know everything but I know something.

List of things you can change in 2024

There are many things you already know. But in life you need to hear certain things two or three times. Sometimes it “clicks” and you take action because you have heard advice again in a slightly different way and this time it has made you take action.

Sleep, eat well, exercise and maintain your mental health: surprise… This point is undoubtedly the most important for me by far. Not updated 2024 mobile phone number data doing it regularly is killing yourself little by little because you take years off your life. When you are young or even 40 you don’t realise the negative cumulative effects you will suffer at the latest in your 50s. Maybe it’s not today, but the day will come when you can hopefully leave the hospital again to finally change your lifestyle.
Leave social media behind: it is the source of many problems. My brother tells me things about people he sees on social media. My children watch Youtubers who sell them a motorcycle showing a life that is not real. Leaving social media behind will also help you not to compare yourself with anyone, which is another poison in our society. If you want a comparison, look for it with yourself.  done today to be a little better than yesterday?


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Maintain and take better care of your social contacts

Another key factor for a long and happy life is relationships (I’m not saying this, scientific studies say so). Not only with your partner but also you can go to industry webinars with friends and family. This weekend my wife and I were in Freiburg, 4 hours from Cologne, for a friend’s birthday. I have had to get out of my comfort zone because I have to talk to strangers, not go to bed early, not run the usual route in the morning, etc. but it has been worth it.
Doing different things: do you know why time goes by faster and faster for older people? The answer is this: routine. If you do the same thing every day you have the feeling that the weeks go by like nothing. Changing your routine is like having the superpower to slow down time. Getting out of the ordinary can be like going on vacation but egypt data you don’t always have to go far away to do different things.
My personal list of things
I could write a book on the subject and maybe one day I will. I care about the people around me but I am no one to tell them how to live their lives. Setting an example can be a way to make them change. Time will tell.

These are my things that I have planned for 2024


Working more outside the office: we have already started working from an office and we have left working from home behind. It is good for my mental health. I have become comfortable with the passage of time and recent trips like the one to Hamburg are painful before and while I have them. It shouldn’t be like this. I am going to force myself to expose myself more to these situations because it will also open up new work opportunities that I am currently closed to.

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