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The 5 sources of income from a blog

There is a world beyond Google Adsense if you want to monetize a blog. Not all of them have to do with online ads. This post is part of the series “Make money online with your blog or website – how to monetize better if you are a beginner“. If you are starting to set up a website and you like the idea of ​​generating income with your hobby, this article can give you some ideas. Here are the 5 sources of income for your blog:

The 5 sources of income for a blog

1. Web advertising: to differentiate between all the online advertising models, a new post would have to be written. Apart from the Google click model, there are also other commission-based models (affiliate marketing) from companies such as Tradedoubler, Zanox or Geazen. There are also marketplaces that work with a payment per impression such as Impresiones Web, Buxim or ADPV. Apart from the marketplace, Coguan offers a collaborative concept (also in a CPM model) providing the best advertising (from the advertiser who pays the highest price) from each provider, be it Google, Yahoo!, Orange, Zanox, etc. or a direct bulgaria phone number library advertiser from the platform itself. Adlemons is another company in the sector that offers a fixed payment model for sponsorship.

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Direct Sales

Apart from relying solely on in that case they hire freelance content designers third parties, you can contact advertisers directly to offer them your advertising spaces. It is essential to have a commercial presentation prepared where you detail prices, formats and data about your audience and traffic. It is not easy to sell directly. In the end, it is a job that consists of cold calls at the beginning so that advertisers get to know you.

3. Advertorials: you can include sponsored azb directory posts as an additional source of traffic. Both legally and for your readers, you have to declare when it is an article that is paid for by a company. There are platforms where you can hire advertorials or specialized companies that get you advertisers for this type of service.


when you have a solid base of content you can add it to an e-book and sell it through your blog. You have to consider whether a sale at the beginning is the best option. To promote a blog it can make sense to offer it as a free download. If you want to charge for the e-book you should add something new that is not yet on your blog.

5. Own services: a blog is ideal for attracting new clients. You don’t have to be a consultant or a start-up entrepreneur to sell your products and services through this channel. A source of income can be requests for presentations or to give training on your subject.

If you liked this post you might also like “10 ideas to better monetize your blog” or “How to earn 1,000 Euros a month with a new blog in one year” from the same series.
Are you a blogger and do you generate income with them? What are your main sources of income?

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