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The more you talk to people,

The more you talk to people, the more you get engaged,” Neal said. Recognition is also important. “Create a culture where employees recognize the work of other employees,” Neal suggested. Be open to change. Look at where you need to make changes. This can include even looking at yourself. Also, look at how your agency accomplishes tasks.

Stepping back and examining a

Past project helps you understand what worked and what didn’t for the future. Doing this helps avoid repeating past mistakes, which only increases frustration and discouragement. Finally, Neal reminded the audience that each department and each office is different. “When dealing with boosting morale, you have to look at all the issues,” Neal said.

While trying to solve a single issue can help

It won’t necessarily address the larger overseas chinese in uk data problem. And always remember to be honest when it comes to addressing the change that needs to happen. This blog post is a recap of a session that took place at the recent Next Generation of Government Summit. Want to see more great insights that came out of NextGen? Head here. Favorite Everyone goes through change at some point in their lives. It’s one of the few constants we can count on.

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Maybe it’s a new job, new leadership,

Perhaps you’ve been asked to manage some change at your agency. We can all agree that it’s personal, and it often requires us to develop new skills and the visualswe design your profile systems in order to embrace change. But one reason why change fails is leaders don’t take into account how it affects people personally, said Pamela Thompson, Senior Organizational Culture Advisor at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Thompson addressed a packed house during

Next Generation of Government Training rich data Summit, where she taught attendees how to identify elements in two change management models: Prosci ADKAR and William Bridges Transitions. She explained that using a change management model is important whenever you’re implementing change because it sets you up for higher rates of success.

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