Home » There is almost always a shortage of applicants

There is almost always a shortage of applicants

A highly paid profession is the dream of many, but the path to achieving it may be much shorter than you think. Of course, miracles do not happen, and a person without ucation and in-demand skills will not be able to earn at the level of a top manager of Gazprom, but there are always exceptions.

What to pay attention to? First of all

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you ne to understand that money does not equal demand. There is also a difference between a profession and a position, so there is always a choice between building a career vertically and horizontally.

If you conduct analytical work and look through the lists of the most in-demand professions, then blue-collar jobs and mical personnel (nurses, nannies, therapists) will be at the top for these positions.

Abroad, these specialties are highly valu, consider in demand, a phone number library nd therefore the salary is decent. In Russia and the CIS countries, people i sitions such as “nurse”, “hospital nurse”, “turner”, “fitter”, “mechanic” or “cleaner” receive little money, so they are forc to look for a new job. Exceptions are mical personnel in private clinics or general workers subordinate to large businessmen. Their work is well paid.

It is precisely because of such discrepancies that it is necessary to filter the data obtain from the search engine of the global network. Information on the search for “highest-paid professions” may not be entirely correct, and from the entire list it will be necessary to isolate truly high-paid professions, and not only those in demand in the current period.

In addition confusion also arises from

a common mistake made by Russian labor market researchers. On many websi high-paying usa data  profession” and “high-paying position” also act as synonyms, although this is incorrect.
It is clear that the c tant of a large company will earn much more than technical management entrusted to support  a security guard at the same enterprise. Such gradation will be observ in any production.

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