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To begin he discussed the top issues

To begin he discussed the top issues that affect morale. These included a lack of the following. Leadership Trust Understanding of agency’s mission Support and recognition Many of these issues can be solved by focusing on your agency’s organizational culture.

This means taking a step back and looking

At how your agency sees itself in the way it functions and operates. Neal gave several tips on how to best examine your agency’s organizational culture. Here are some of the top takeaways. Survey employees. Use a survey instrument so [agencies] can compare themselves to other agencies. “This gives you a point of reference,” Neal said.

You can look at how other agency

Employees felt in the past and compare with botim database your current workforce. It also helps to collect thoughts and sentiments directly from your employees. Each employee will look at his or her agency differently, depending on his or her level. Getting feedback from all levels helps you look at the big picture. Reinstate mission.

special data

For the most part, employees really

Care about the mission of their agencies. Create an etc you will solve two organization-wide movement, reminding employees to look beyond their own jobs and tasks and instead at the agency’s mission as a whole. When introducing solutions, people can be more open to ideas when they realize it will help the entire workplace. Pay attention to individual strengths.

Often morale can be low simply

because employees aren’t doing the work they are meant to do, or the wrong person is assigned a job that could affect many. “Don’t try and apply one rich data person’s mindset to another completely different person,” Neal said. This means being aware of each person’s strengths and weaknesses. Listen to your employees and be open to different forms of communication.

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