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To start building relationships with them

But for someone, especially an authority in any niche, to decide to share your content , you must first make sure that it is quality and relevant . Keep in mind that by sharing, they are recommending you , and they won’t do it if your content might make them look bad.

A , the easiest way is to add value to their own content , whether on Social Media or their Website. That is, help them as much as possible before offering them the opportunity to help you.

The idea is that at least your name will be familiar to them when it comes time to let them know that you have content that they might be interested in sharing . Of course, this outreach will take time! But to do so, you should start with your Content Promotion Plan even before writing your content.

And if you do, do it well! Don’t just write a three-word comment on their blog saying you liked it, but rather do your part, ask questions, make suggestions or add a new point of view.

Use the share buttons

advertising database

Don’t you have the “typical” share buttons on your website ? Well, you’re missing out on a unique opportunity to promote your articles! The most effective ones are those that offer the option of displaying a fixed sidebar that rem advertising database ains as users browse your page, and that are also adapted for mobile devices .

Do you already have these buttons? Great! But don’t settle for the first ones you find or the ones that come built into your WordPress theme or Jetpack . One of the best free options to get them is Sumo . Trust me, this tool is worth a try!

What you should keep in mind while creating your article
Yes, you read that right. You should also keep your Content Promotion Plan in mind while you are writing your articles, as it will be easier to promote them if you take into account how they will be shared across different media.

Feel free to link, it’s free!
As I mentioned before, the best way to get someone to do you a favor is to do it for them first. Don’t be afraid to link to other websites that can add value to your article , especially if they are from an influencer. Doing this doesn’t guarantee that they will share your article, but it will help a lot!

Prepare your article for Twitter

By default, the title of your article appears on Twitter when someone shares it from your  ws data  page. Since you probably want your tweet to be as engaging as possible , I recommend that if you use WordPress you use a plugin that allows you to customize how it will be shared.

The goal is that whoever shares does  . A not have to edit or crop th such as the maximum bid the competitiveness e tweet at the time of sha . A ring it, but that by default your Twitter user is included (in this caseviermarcilla ) and a rich image or Twitter Card , as you see below.




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