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Website and web page – is there a difference

If you’re new to the wonderful world of online (or even if you’re not!), you might be making a common wording mistake. If you use the words webpage and website interchangeably , you’re falling for one of the most common word misuses in modern English. While they may look the same to a newbie, the two words have a world of difference between them, and once you know what they mean, you’ll understand why it’s so important to differentiate between the two . Follow me as we work through this short but important word lesson together.


Why is there confusion between the two?

Because web pages and websites refer to related functions – or just because they start with “web” – it’s understandable that you’d sometimes confuse bulk email marketing services the two terms. But by now you must know that there is a difference between the two. So, what is the difference? Actually, it’s probably simpler than you think…

Web page

Remember books? Before the internet took off, books were the most popular way to read content. Every time you turned the page, you pulled in new material from the new page. Each page was a self-contained entity. So a book page is like a web page: a page containing information. More directly, a web page is a single document that can be viewed online .

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This can be a page full of text, images, or videos . A web page can be a simple form or even invisible to the naked eye, containing code that you can’t decipher. Each web page has a specific URL that directs viewers to that page.



Using the book analogy again, while web pages are pages in a book, a website is the book itself. It is a collection of pages that share a common thread. So, pages 1-585 of Moby Dick come together to create a book – Moby Dick. Likewise, all the pages of your how to create groups and broadcast lists for whatsapp business website come together to form your website . Pages from different websites will not be included in your website, just like pages from Jane Eyre will not be included in a copy of Moby Dick.


Why is this important?

Am I being too picky to insist that you should know the difference between these two terms, or is this just a personal quirk? In fact, knowing the difference between these two terms can be the difference between the success or failure of your marketing campaign. Search engines don’t index websites; they only index web pages . This means that when crawlers egypt data crawl through your site, they look at each page and index it individually based on its content rather than the overall page.


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