Home » What you can learn from Justin Bieber to become a reader magnet

What you can learn from Justin Bieber to become a reader magnet

Justin Bieber is a character that leaves no one indifferent. Especially not teenage girls around the globe. The other day, while channel surfing, I came across a report on MTV Spain that told the success story of the young American singer. Apart from having talent (whether you like his music or not), a key factor in his success has been his marketing strategy. Many musicians use social networks to promote themselves, but few have done it and are doing it as well as Justin Bieber.

Justin Bieber blog

Even if you are not a musician and “only” want to promote your blog, there are many successful strategies that we can copy from the young pop star.

Hang out with the greats

Few artists have managed to obtain a level of popularity (and hate) as high as this 17-year-old boy. Justin Bieber’s beginnings were appearances on Youtube with pop stars like Usher. The virality of the Youtube channel helped to spread the videos quickly on the network. The dwarf grew up in the shadow of the famous little by little until he became the giant he is today.

If you are a blogger and you are just starting out, start by publishing your best articles on well-known blogs in your sector. It is curious that in Spain many posts deal with how to get third parties to write for you (I have also written about it) when, for example, in the United States the focus is on how to be accepted as an external author on canada phone number library prominent blogs in your niche. The virality that Bieber has achieved with Youtube is achieved through the Twitter accounts of these blogs that usually have a wide base of followers. If you are a dwarf, hang out with the giants and sooner or later you will also be perceived as “big”.

phone number library

Listen to what your fans tell you

In the report his mother said “if he were not the singer he is today with the stress that comes with it, Justin in another life would surely be addicted to social networks”. The young star has one of the most popular accounts with in this way you can watch related videos more than 16 million followers on Twitter. He likes to use this channel to interact with his fans, promote his performances and carry out small market studies. “Twitter is a channel that allows me to communicate with my fans and get direct feedback on ideas we have azb directory and actions we want to promote among them.” Bieber directly influences the marketing strategy because he listens to the voice of his followers and makes it reach the management that represents him.

When you start your blog you don’t have millions (or thousands, or hundreds) of followers. Getting the first 100 can already be a first success. It doesn’t matter how many followers you have, but the intensity of the relationship and interaction. A simple formula to find out what topics might interest them is to simply ask them through a tweet. In the same way you receive feedback on posts you have in mind and how to prioritize them in your editorial calendar. Listening to what interests your readers shouldn’t only happen on Twitter. Respond to comments on your blog to get a high level of interaction. Take advantage of this valuable information to improve the quality and value you provide in content.

Never give up

Justin Bieber’s success didn’t happen overnight. The beginnings weren’t glamorous. At the age of 12 he entered a local contest in Stratford where he had to settle for second place. It took another 3 years until he was discovered by Scooter Braun who also put him in contact with Usher, thus getting his famous appearance on Youtube. During those years he suffered many rejections. Nobody wanted to give him a chance. He never gave up on achieving his dream: to be a pop star.

It is not easy to create a blog and not give up after the first week. Things that are worthwhile never are. If you really want to achieve something with your blog you have to work hard. You never know how far you can go. Imagine getting together with three friends and after a couple of months you are billing a seven-figure amount a year.

In order not to throw in the towel too early, you have to be aware that a blog needs approximately one year to see the first results. Constant content creation is the basis of everything. You should be able to get an average of 1-2 posts per week. If you can do more, so much the better. For both Justin Bieber and the blogger, consistency is one of the keys to success. In addition to being disciplined, the young singer taught himself to play three instruments. You have to train yourself to take advantage of the different sources of traffic for a blog. These will help you increase visits from month to month.