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10 actions to attract direct advertisers to your website

If you don’t want to rely solely on Google Adsense, it’s time to get your act together. The only way to get really attractive campaigns both in terms of price and quality of advertising is to get them directly. Here are 10 tips and actions to attract the attention of direct advertisers.

Getting direct advertisers for your website

1. Create good content: if you don’t have an advertising budget, content is your most powerful marketing tool. Articles worth reading are shared on social networks. For a blogger or webmaster, it’s a way to achieve viral marketing.

2. Be consistent: it’s no use creating excellent content if you don’t publish at least 1-2 posts per week (on this blog I publish 1 per day). Nobody wants to advertise on an abandoned site.

3. Improve the design: a quality advertiser doesn’t want to see their brand reflected in an “ugly” environment. Especially if it’s a branding campaign, the appearance of the site is highly important.

4. Participate in social benin phone number library networks: having a Twitter and/or Facebook account guarantees you a minimum visibility of your content through your own followers. Over time your coverage will grow and with it the probability that you will attract the attention of an advertiser.

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Grow your traffic

If you are the only niche site on the Internet on a topic that is in high demand, you do not need many impressions to sell ads. Since this is probably from physical gym to virtual gym during lockdown not the case, you have to take advantage of all traffic sources to grow your audience.

6. Create and send a sales presentation: a Powerpoint presentation is a basic tool to sell your web supports. Although it is not the key selling point, it will make you look unprofessional if you do not have one.

7. Pick up the phone: do not be afraid of ba leads being yelled at on the phone. Cold calls are part of an online advertising salesperson. It is what you have to become if you really want to get good campaigns from prestigious advertisers.

8. Introduce yourself to media agencies: media agencies control more than 50% of online advertising budgets. Many direct advertisers launch their campaigns only through them. You have to be very annoying to get meetings, but it is key that the planners know your face.

Make use of marketplaces’ shop windows:

A couple of years ago, online advertising marketplaces were born that help you get “premium” campaigns if you are not good at the commercial part to sell door-to-door. Our start-up Coguan is one of those players.

10. Participate in networking events: what will surely not happen is that advertisers will knock on your door and ask you for the rates to advertise on your blog or website. Take advantage of online marketing networking events where you can meet many of the heads of marketing departments in person.

It is not easy to get campaigns from direct advertisers. To improve the income and eCPM of your website, you need to get out of your comfort zone.

This post is part of the series “Increase website income if you have been a blogger or webmaster for more than 1 year.” You may also find ideas for better monetizing your website in the other posts already published.

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