Home » 7 reasons not to create a blog

7 reasons not to create a blog

If you are a blogger, you can have many reasons to create a blog. It doesn’t matter if you have a blog with a lot or a little traffic. There may be reasons why you shouldn’t create a blog even if it gets a lot of visitors. Here are the 7 that I found.

7 reasons not to create a blog

1. To throw in the towel after the first week: if you want to have a blog that is read, you have to work a little. Don’t expect miracles after a few months. Don’t have exaggerated expectations and set realistic goals.

2. If you want to get rich: making money with a blog is difficult. Getting rich with it is not even worth mentioning. After 1 year you can earn 1,000 Euros a month, but honestly, few bloggers manage to generate that much income.

3. Because you don’t want to have to go out on the street to sell: a blog is not going to replace the essential commercial work. Spending the day on Twitter and writing articles for the blog is not going to generate more sales in a miraculous way.

4. To make yourself look better: having a successful blog can sometimes change people. You are not influential or better than others bosnia and herzegovina phone number library just because you have a few more readers than the average blogger. Humility is an attitude that the ideal blogger should maintain throughout his career.

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As a tool of defamation

If you want to confront someone, do it face to face. Don’t use a blog to publicly criticize a person. You may even be right, but a blogger who acts this way never generates much sympathy.

6. To copy and paste existing how to create a business continuity plan content: if you only take ideas from others, you don’t add much value to your readers (or worse still, if you simply copy and paste). It may make sense to reference very prominent ba leads posts in your niche but try to provide much of your own content on your blog.

7. Posting your cat’s photo album: maybe not everyone will agree with me on this point, but I think that to post photos of your pet, it is better to use Facebook or Flickr. A blog is a place to share content in text form that can also be accompanied by explanatory photos and videos.

If you want to get rich

making money with a blog is difficult. Getting rich with it is not even worth mentioning. After 1 year you can earn 1,000 Euros a month, but honestly, few bloggers manage to generate that much income.

3. Because you don’t want to have to go out on the street to sell: a blog is not going to replace the essential commercial work. Spending the day on Twitter and writing articles for the blog is not going to generate more sales in a miraculous way.

As I said initially, there are many more reasons to create a blog than not to do so. What is your reason for not creating a blog?

To make yourself look better: having a successful blog can sometimes change people. You are not influential or better than others just because you have a few more readers than the average blogger. Humility is an attitude that the ideal blogger should maintain throughout his career.

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