Home » 8 types of bounces that prevent you from reaching your subscribers’ inboxes

8 types of bounces that prevent you from reaching your subscribers’ inboxes

Angie Vinueza
Angie Vinueza
Country Manager Ecuador at FromDoppler. He likes painting with his son Benja and listening to classic rock. His favorite band is the Rolling Stones.

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8 Types of Bounce in Email Marketing

Are you starting to distrust Email Marketing because your messages keep bouncing? Stop! Follow these 8 tips and you will discover the true power of this magnificent tool.

If you do Email Marketing, you are probably used to measuring your actions after sending your Campaigns. Many times you will find that the CTR was not what you expected or perhaps, for some reason, the Open Rate is not exemplary.

All the data obtained from the Reports is always useful to improve your Calls to Action, the content of your piece, the delivery schedule, etc. But… what if your Subscribers don’t even receive the piece?

That will be your worst nightmare!

Do you have this type of problem and don’t know how to fix it? Don’t worry! We are here, as always, to help you. Continue reading this post and you will discover the 8 types of bounces that cause your emails to not reach your contacts’ inboxes and how to fix them .

#1 Email rejected (Hard)
This is one of the types of Hard Bounce. This case can occur, for example, because the box no longer exists or because it has never existed .

The thing is, despite all the efforts you make to obtain a qualified and clean Database , it may happen that someone has entered a non-existent email address just to acquire a free resource, for example.

Don’t be upset. Chances are that person isn’t your target audience . So put all your efforts into  turkey data those who really interest you!

There are other reasons why your emails may be rejected. Check them out!

The server is blocking the email because it contains an attachment .
The receiving email account is blocking emails from your server .
The receiving server considers your domain to be a spammer .
The server considers the content of the message to be spam.
#2 Invalid Email Format (Hard)
Here you also encounter another type of Hard Bounce, and the la useful tips for your facebook ads campaign st one. These are cases where the email address is misspelled or has an invalid format .

If your detective skills lead you to the conclusion that it was just a mistake, don’t hesitate to contact the user through another channel . You can make a short phone call or communicate through Social Networks. If you were indeed right, your lead will be super grateful that you cared about them!

But not everything is rosy. Unfortunately, it is also possible that the person has entered a fictitious email address so as not to be contacted in the future, as in the previous case. In any case, you know, if this is the case, it is better not to recover it !


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