The rule of thirds states that our eyes are drawn to specific points in an image. Try breaking up your image with two horizontal lines thirds and negative space and two vertical lines, the intersections of your composition are where your audience will “unconsciously focus”.
Use color or contrast according to context
What better way to highlight the focal point of your ad than by using color, visual tricks, and context-specific contrasts. The secret to creating the most effective color contrast is “the fewer colors, the better contrast.”
Choose fonts that are easy to read and remember
Fonts also need to be carefully selected to ensure that they are easy to read, easy to absorb, and easy to remember.
Choose fonts that are easy to read and remember in Visual Storytelling.
It is a fact that most people will thirds and negative space enjoy a good puzzle but only if they can solve it quickly. That is, provide a challenge but “not” too difficult.
Multi-channel image optimization
Your campaign can reach users austria cell phone number list through many different channels such as computers, phones, tablets, printed flyers, etc. Therefore, optimizing illustrations across multiple platforms is an important thing to keep in mind.
You should plan to design images that are responsive to all types of devices and screen sizes. Multi-channel optimization creates flexibility, enhances user experience, and increases the effectiveness of content engagement. Optimize multi-channel Visual Storytelling illustrations.
Notes on storytelling with images
It is no exaggeration to say that Visual Storytelling is the “perfect” medium to convey and evoke emotional responses. But do website and web page – is there a difference you know how to tell a story with engaging images? Let’s “pocket” a few important notes when using Visual StoryTelling!
- Keep it simple and clean: Don’t overcrowd your ad with more visuals than necessary. The truth is that the more visuals you add to your ad, the less likely people are to see them. This can easily dilute the core message.
- Don’t use generic stock photos: These images tend to target a wide range of audiences, treating them as the same and interchangeable. If you treat your audience as a single group of people by using specific, meaningful images that are relevant to your target audience, your Visual Storytelling will be much more effective.
Integrating metaphors and messages
- Personalize and establish an emotional connection with your audience: Successful storytelling projects are india data those that create and build authentic, meaningful images. This means you have to “deal” with “unpleasant” images and scenarios. Why not use those conflicts, awkward situations, and dramas as “weapons” to evoke strong emotions from your audience?
- Emphasize your unique selling point: Don’t forget to include the best features of your product/service in your visual story!
- Emotion: It’s “vivid” if you can convey love, sympathy, anger or any feeling that reflects the core message of the ad.
- Secret Message: Similarly, Visual Storytelling will also easily attract the audience if it “forces” them to look for the secret message hidden in any shape.