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Apart from ebook creation tools

MS Office documents and images. It offers the ability to animate digital content by embedding media into interactive eBooks, such as images, links, buttons, videos, presentations, and more. ePUB Maker allows you to convert MS Word files into the following formats: ePUB, Mobi and PDF.

PressBooks allows you to create an e-book

It is very easy to use and publish e-books in DF, ePub and Mobi formats. This program resembles WordPress, and you can add and edit chapters, change or add sections, and so on. Caliber is an eBook authoring tool for Windows, Linux, and iOS.

It supports the conversion of multiple

input formats (AZW, DOCX, EPUB, HTML, MOBI, ODT, PDF …) to multiple output formats (EPUB, DOCX, HTML, MOBI, PDB, PDF, TXT, ZIP …). Sigil  eBook is a cross-platform eBook editor for EPUB available for Windows tunisia phone number library and Mac. It is designed for editing books in ePub format. Allows creation of cover page, table of contents, preview of file in normal and code view.

Microsoft Word is great for creating an e-book


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since it offers the option of saving a DOC file as a PDF document. In addition to these tools, you can find many online converters with which europe and the unit states you can convert a Word document to a PDF or other desired format for free. Some of these ebook creation tools are completely free, while others are available as a trial version or at very affordable prices.

E-book publishing platforms

Apart from ebook creation tools, there are also ebook publishing platforms. Some of the most popular platforms are listed below. Amazon is the largest publisher of e-books, and it is very easy to use. You just need to create an account, log in, upload/upload your e-book and in the next 48 hours your book will be available for sale as an Amazon Kindle edition.

The rate of profit on sales is from

35% to 70% depending on the price of the e-book. iBook has about 10% market share in online publishing. Publishing to iBooks requires the iTunes a complete list of unit phone numbers Producer program, which is only available for Mac.

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