Home » The master key to boosting email marketing openings is humor, but brands don’t use it

The master key to boosting email marketing openings is humor, but brands don’t use it

Could humor be the key to better email marketing results? In general, consumers are quite receptive to humor when it comes to brands. As a recent study points out, consumers want brands to be funny , but ads still avoid using that claim. 91% of consumers, according to a study by Oracle and Gretchin, want companies to be funny and use humor, but 95% of brand leaders admit that humor scares them. Therefore, it is not surprising to discover that humor is used as little as possible to reach potential audiences.

Avoiding humor is a mistake

therefore, and even more so in areas where companies need to improve results. This is what happens in email marketing. Mailing campaigns are one of those issues that brands favor. If social media has taught them anything, it is that they need to have control over what happens with their campaigns and, above all, that it is crucial not to be at the mercy of what external algorithms decide to reward at any given time. Email marketing gives control over the message, but also over when it is sent, while giving access to all the data generated by that campaign.

But to be successful in email marketing

You need to get your email recipients to open them. Sending campaigns that sit in the inbox for an eternity is pointless, it only wastes resources and achieves little return.

Getting consumers to open emails is crucial, and marketers china phone number material have developed all kinds of tactics and tricks to do so. However, in email marketing openings this strategy, they are forgetting about a factor that could play in their favour: humour. Just as consumers prefer adverts and brands in general that are funny, they could also be more responsive to email campaigns that use this appeal.

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The master key: humor

The data from Oracle’s study also point in that direction. According to its findings, humor could potentially have a positive effect on open rates. Right now, as Marketing Dive points out , these rates are at 21%, which is not a bad figure but could be much better. After all, what companies are looking for is a massive conversion. In an ideal world, it would be a 100% opening rate.

Humour doesn’t work miracles, but it does 10 actions to attract direct advertisers to your website improve things a lot. According to the study’s data, 69% of consumers admit that they would open an email if the brand uses a funny subject line. In other words, beyond whether it surprises or egypt data captures the imagination, a funny subject line improves the reception of the message and increases the probability of opening it. Even though consumers are receptive, companies are not very keen on using it. Only 24% of marketing managers admit that they do use humour in the subject lines of their email marketing campaigns.

Humor can be risky, but in the end a brand that email marketing openings uses it is showing that it really knows its audience, because it knows what works for them and what doesn’t. It shows that it is speaking the same language as the consumer who will receive the message. So it is not surprising to discover that 80% of those surveyed admit that they are more likely to buy from a brand again if it uses humor.

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