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How to create great copy for your website

How to create great copy for your website, social media, blog, email? This article will introduce you to useful techniques and tips for writing great content for your website, social media, blog, email.

1. Use an outline for long content

When you start writing, you will have some difficulty because you do not know how to develop the content, how to put an attractive title. Therefore, you should create a structure or an outline for your article.

This will help you reduce stress when writing because you will have an idea of ​​what your article will look like. For web content, a commonly used technique is the 5W1H technique – answering the questions What, When, Where, Why, How.

2. Use rhyming words

This is the technique that should be used most often for taglines, social media copy, Facebook captions, and main banner new zealand cell phone number list create great copy content on websites. It’s safe, easy, effective, and memorable. If you can’t think of rhyming words, go for homographs. Words that start with the same sound or letter.

3. Use storytelling

Storytelling is a well-known content technique, whether it’s in design, art, theatre or copywriting. Storytelling is everywhere – the stories you were told as a child, Netflix documentaries, TV commercials, novels, letters.

This technique is especially good in blogging because blogs are personal and, most of the time, informal. It’s a great place to use storytelling, to share a little about yourself, and to engage your readers.

4. Speak in the first person

Another important inventory planning and artificial intelligence at the service of the cause thing here is to show first person point of view in your writing. It makes your reader feel like you are talking to them and keeps them engaged.

Sometimes, written words can come off as harsh or sarcastic even though we don’t intend them to be. This is because tone is difficult to convey verbally.

The best way to write an email is to be respectful and use words that show that. For example, take a look at this email.

Even though the first one says “please,” the verb “send” sounds like a command. Let’s see how this could be modified to sound more respectful.

 Cut out the “very very”

Often times we use the word “very” to describe a service or product to convey effectiveness but in reality, using the word “very” just job data takes away from the emphasis. And what’s worse than a “very” is a “very very”.

Instead of saying “it was a very nice vacation” you could say “it was a great vacation”.

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