Are we happy with how we’re doing here? Maybe we need to shift our focus to something else, like answers. This particular client does really well on Places. They own a lot of that. So for Places, it’s maintenance, let’s see, don’t worry about it anymore. Then when we’re thinking about content, it can be gone. We don’t necessarily need to keep writing blog posts for things that are helping us rank in the Places pack because that’s not something that’s going to affect that ranking any further.
We’re already doing great Identify whether your content efforts support
But instead we can see the answers and people also ask that for that particular client they’re not doing so well. This is something that’s out there kuwait number dataand it’s something that might not be one of the top additions, but it’s definitely an addition for that particular client. So what we’re seeing is, “Okay, you have all these great blog posts, but they’re not really written with people asking or answering in mind. So what if we go back and rewrite things so we can get more of those answer boxes?”
This can be the foundation of that content strategy
When you put your keywords into STAT and look at your specific keyword set, really look at the SERP features and determine what that means to me and what kind of content I need to create, whether it’s more images for example. Some clients, when you’re looking at e-commerce sites, some of the results are really image-heavy, or they might be product purchases or whatever. Identify whether your content efforts support
There are really different specific features
And I’ve only shown a small subset. STAT captures all the different types of SERP features. So you can definitely see anything if it’s specific to your industry. If it’s a feature, they’ve got it here. So definitely take a look and see where these opportunities are. Remember, you can’t have 100% share of voice because other people are just going to show up there.
You just want to make sure you’re the best. Thank you.
When your target is constantly moving forward, how can you keep your customers informed and happy?
Raise your hand if you’ve ever struggled to keep up with all the changes happening in our industry.
Go ahead, don’t be shy!
Even the most vigilant SEOs have been left job data unscathed by algorithm updates, changes to SERP layouts, or improvements to the tools we rely on.
Trying to keep up with a constantly moving target can be exhausting, but it doesn’t stop there. SEOs should also explain these developments to their clients and stakeholders.
Work at an agency?
Your clients want to know that you’re helping them stay relevant. Over the years of my agency, I can’t tell you how many times clients have emailed 6 most effective ways to manage content on fanpage me with a link to an article on a new development and asked, “Do we need to worry about this? How can we use this for our SEO?” Keeping your clients informed about these changes and explaining how they apply to them is a critical component of not only campaign success but also customer loyalty.