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The steps from which to start the creation

Platforms and Tools for Creating . Writing and creating an eBook can be a great way to expand your reach, promote your brand , and gain additional followers. In order to create and publish your own e-book, in addition to the basic information you need to start from, such as the subject of the book itself, you also need tools that will allow you to quickly and easily create an e-book.

Below is a guide to ebooks

Where you can find basic publishing platforms and tools for creating ebooks. Electronic books or abbreviate e-books (eng. eBooks) are books that are available in digital, i.e. electronic form, and like any other book consists of text and images. They can be read on any electronic device such as a computer, tablet or mobile phone, and are often package as a PDF document.

In addition to PDF documents

E books can also be found in the following formats: EPUB, AZW (use for Kindle), and ODF. E-books can be read through e-readers such as  Kindle, Kobo, Nook, or through applications such as FBReader, Amazon Kindle, Cool Reader, Nook, Bluefire Reader, Moon+ Reader and many others. Guide to eBooks.

The guide to creating an e-book includes

The steps from which to start the creation and thailand phone number library design of an e-book, as well as programs that will help you in this. The steps in creating e-books are as follows: choose. The topic that will be covere in the book (as well as adapting ittarget market). divide the book into chapters and describe them in detail (content and text), design an e-book (cover design, selectiontypography, color), include visual content (photos, infographics, etc.

 Onclude statistical data, scientific facts


phone number library




Quotes and the like, include an appropriate “call to action” (eg an offer). Convert to PDF document, create a dedicate landing pagefor e-book, promote the  e-book (viawebsite,campaign emails,social networks,Google AdWordsand other). In addition to the steps in writing and designing the e-book itself, you need certain tools to create the book. And you can use online platforms to eventually publish the e-book.

Tools for creating an e-book

Tools or programs for creating, designing they successfully turn the crisis and styling e-books are list below. Kotobee is a simple e-book authoring program that designs and publishes interactive e-books. It supports the display of e-books on the web. Desktop or tablet and the distribution of e-books individually or together within the internal library application. iBook Author allows you to create and publish multi-touch e-books for the iPad.

You can add photos, videos

interactive diagrams, interactive widgets and more. It offers the possibility to choose from existing template. Patterns on the basis of which you can create a complete list of unit phone numbers your own design. Scrivener is an application aim at writers of all kinds that offers. The tools need to prepare manuscripts for e-book publication.

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