Yaroslavl, who had already set up production by that time. He explain to his friends the basics of financial literacy and suggest what the cost of the finish work consists of. We kept meticulous records and for the first few years we wrote down every 150 rubles spent on the workshop.
All of this was in a thick notebook, not in 1C
Now number of columns: we haven’t calculat all the indicators, but we have enter the basic things that greatly affect the cost of the product. How much does it cost to cut out a figurine, paint or cover it with oil, how much does a label, box, brushes, paints, sandpaper cost, and so on.
The plan is to make the table interactive
So that if the cost of one element changes, the table automatically recalculates the price of the final product. Vladimir Mikheev, founder of the skype database workshop “Toys were sent abroad in boxes” The Mikheevs’ workshop gain permanent access to a foreign audience after registering on.
Etsy, a platform that specializes
In selling hand-made items. Before that, the first private orders abroad were also on VK: most often, purchases were made by Russian-speaking emigrants. Thanks to Etsy, the Smolensk workshop began receiving more foreign orders. The turning 10 actions to attract direct advertisers to your website point came in 2018, when the Mikheevs creat an Instagram account* and began promoting the page through bloggers.
The family workshop did not
Buy advertising on principle, but sent its toys to influencers for reviews. However, sales on the Russian market gradually fad into the background a large flow of orders began to come from abroad. The craftsmen no longer remember the first large order for a foreign store: it did not seem as significant as the first Russian wholesale order, and it was treat as a new technical task. But sales abroad were growing. Apparently, when foreign stores tg data began to replenish their assortment with Smolensk toys, their competitors did not want to lag behind and also order products from the new brand.